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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021

My experience learning English

First I would like to say that it has been very difficult for me to attend classes and learn English, especially speaking it; Due to my work I was not able to be in the classes directly, and I had to resort to seeing the recordings. In relation to blogs I think they have been very helpful for me, even when I have used the translator to understand some things and write others, I feel that it is a good way to learn and it helped me a lot in the previous courses and also in this one. . I know that I need to improve my English speaking skills a lot, and practice more to quickly understand what I am listening, regarding this point, lately I have been watching the movies in English and not dubbed into Spanish, I feel that it has helped me a lot, however I still have a lot to learn and practice, I also try to sing more in English, read the lyrics of the songs that I like and repeat them many times. I'm sorry, I should have put something funny to end this year jajaja Thanks for reading, ha...