When I was 16 years old, I went with my family to Mendoza, it was a beautiful trip, especially because it was the first time I returned after having lived there until I was 4 years old. Although I was little, I still remembered many things about Mendoza, smells, colors, little moments, my sister's hand when we went to kindergarten together, the movement of the asphalt when looking through the bus window, I remember my father working in his workshop; That is why that return was so important, because of all those beautiful memories. We traveled in a van, my dad was driving, I remember the movement of the car as it passed through the snail, that winding road in the mountain range when crossing the border crossing, then we got off at the bridge "El Camino del Inca" for a long time, and we continued until we reached Mendoza, not without first stopping wherever we came to mind. In Mendoza we visited our relatives, we ate barbecue, pizza and drank mate (I like mate, I think it ...